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EMAC 2023 Regional Conference

Bridging Customer Experience with Omni-channel management: an integrative framework for a management and research agenda

Published: November 22, 2023


Sergios Dimitriadis, Athens University of Economics and Business/Research Center


Customer experience (CX) management and omni-channel management are both topical and critical issues for achieving competitive advantage in today’s markets. Yet, both issues are very closely linked, as CX occurs across different touchpoints, the goal being a seamless CX across all channels. Based on a synthesis of related literature, this article suggests an integrative framework for omni-channel CX management comprising five components: customer expectations, customer (received) experience, brand promises, brand CX design and implementation, and omni-channel management. Key challenges and priorities are pinpointed and propositions for researchers and managers are provided to effectively deal with these challenges.